
Hello there!
It’s been a long time, some two years actually, from our last publication. Truth is, we’ve been busy with some other
projects which are not directly related to the FMT. Anyway the page is active and plans supplied on demand. Those
other projects may eventually be included in this webpage. But, as you can imagine, it takes time to develop
something to DIY, take photos, draw plans and prepare instructions for a successful build.

We must suppose there are many examples of our design already finished and working for many fellow woodworkers.
However, we regret the lack of photos and stories from you people. This is a site to share your work and we welcome
all material about your experience with our design along with suitable pictures.

Remember the FMT is an European style machine. So it’s different in many ways, both in its construction and usage.
But if one has to go by the favourable comments to our YouTube videos, it would appear that our creation fits in a
special class. You can build a superb machine with some unheard of features at a fraction of the cost of the commercial

In the meantime, consider this site complementary to those videos and feel free to write or send graphic material to
help us to keep it alive.

All the best fellows, cheers!

Héctor and André

Clicks: 137

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